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The image of the lone hero, toiling at his station, hammer in hand, hitting, clank.







Oh the heroes that come to mind, the individual warriors toiling at their chosen task. The romantic notion of a single man, a single individual against the world.

The truth is that it’s absolutely bullshit. That is not true at all. Nobody ever did anything worthwhile by themselves.

And that not for lack of ability.

It’s due to lack of intent – meaning the greats will never intend to accomplish everything by themselves. And it has nothing to do with success, or failure really.

It goes deeper – more fundamentally into our natures – empathy. society. collaboration. love. relationships.

What is the point of taking all the success in life without having true brotherhoods along the way? What is the point of having won the world, but having lost your soul?

What pleasure is there in taking credit for everything? What degree of insecurity must someone have in order to have to make such an outlandish claim?

All of us carry the torch of our infinite ancestry. All of us have been passed the mantle to lead our generation forward. We are all the future of humanity.

Always have been, and always will be. Our elders have wisdom, our juniors are the future, and we are the present.

I am very thankful, and very glad that I have in particular, two partners who are willing to walk the journey with me.

Two partners who are willing to undertake the burden of responsibility.

And if I may say very tackily, the burden of being heroes. The burden of showing collective humanity what is possible.

The burden of pushing our civilization forward.

Whether we acknowledge it, whether we consciously force ourselves to ignore it, whether we like it or not, the path has been set. The stake and reward are in the ground.

We are in it to win it. We are here to make a major difference in the lives of humanity, worldwide. Technology just happens to be our tool – which really is the most effective manner now.

This burden is not a light one – it was something I always had to have carried since I was 8.

To me it is as dear as life itself.

Yes the money is great. We can earn some good money along the way; we must in order to gauge impact and compound impact.

But the real reason, the real cause is to surmount our own limitations. On a civilisational scale. To make the world a better place. A place that deserves our lives, and suffering. A place with pain, and equally with joy. Hope.



That we can do it, that there is still good left in this world. A large amount of good. And hope that we will one day evolve into all that is good.


That’s what we are in the end. That’s what we give, in the end. Hope through technology. Hope in the midst of fear. In the midst of uncertainty. In the midst of all the challenges and suffering that is life.

Proof that with love, focus, and effort, we can have real hope. That we can transcend ourselves, and chaos while we’re at it.

It’s not just about survival of the individual, or the family. It’s never really been about this. It’s never about how the world seems so bleak. It’s never about how our situation is so dire. How the people around us are so fucked up. How WE are so fucked up. no.


It’s about growth, hope, and possibility. That’s all that matters. That’s life – cycle after cycle of life and death, cycle after cycle of evolution, change, growth, reaching upwards.

Taking the higher path.

It is the journey of all humanity.

The battle between inherent chaos, and conscious order/focus.

When living with hope, when living with true growth, nothing matters, doesn’t it? Nothing else bothers you that much, because you will feel that all is okay. That we, are okay.

That we are moving upwards. And all the small weasel mindsets in ourselves give way to true beauty, true striving, true effort, all for the good of the world, and of humanity.

And that, that is the realm of God. Whether there is or isnt a hell becomes irrelevant, because in the few moments, we have touched the heart of the Gods. While we were living our lives.

That is really what everyone truly wants. The transcendence of the self, with courage, conviction and love.

And why the flying fuck would someone do it all alone by himself? What value is there in solitude?

For it is brotherhood that gives you everything.

And I stand behind you and with you. Always. Regardless of whatever challenge, regardless of whatever issue. We can do it together. Forever, and always.

I am willing to lay my heart down.