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To be great, we must be obsessed.

There is great comfort to be had that the greats are no different from us. That at one point of time they were at the place we are at now.

Nobody was born running.

Every single thing they have done, and competence gained, has been earned through obsessed focus.


I eat, breathe, drink, live, tech entrepreneurship.

That’s what’s needed.

Because if we don’t love it, we will not stick to it. We will not be able to grow into it. We will give up as the failures hit us.

We need to love it.

What do you love? What do you want to give your life doing? What would you do for free, if you had all the money in the world?

On a darker note,

I love being the underdog. I love fighting against the big guy. I love hitting hard at the edge. To push the boundaries of what people say is possible.

I love to prove the people with limited mindsets wrong. It is also a big reason why I play this game. At least, my “reptilian” reason.

My more conscious and higher reason, is to do my best to bring humanity forward. At personal cost or otherwise, it’s a great journey, and something that I am just called to do.


Forge X – Forging the edge of possibility.