All evidence in the world points to reasonableness. Amiableness. Politeness. Gentle-man.
But all progress in the world relies on the unreasonable man. The man willing to draw a line for himself, his family, his community, in service of his kind.
Service for your kind. To make things better.
To combat chaos. To fight thunder. To smash lightning.
Because in essence every time somebody decides to push the boundaries of what is humanly possible, or should be humanly possible, they at once declare war against chaos incarnate.
The world will attack them. Every single place they look, they will be confronted by impossibilities. Insurmountable odds. Fear. Despair. Anxiety.
The monotone drone of the mindless buzzards going to work, and slaving away.
For the life of me I cannot and will not understand why. How is it possible that you are empowered, hopeful and strong, while allowing yourself to be suppressed to that degree?
Mission Control.
That’s the only thing that truly matters in life. Or at least one of the highest values.
I could play. I could have gone adventuring.
But living like a man possessed. Like a fucking focused wolf. Hunting down that which needs to be done. Pushing the pack towards a goal. Surmounting the odds, or dying trying.
The past year has been disappointing. I now know that most men are lesser. They fundamentally do not have the appetite for, nor the mind for something truly great.
I have done all I can to offer them a chance to fight for greatness. To find our own treasures within, and without.
I am no longer willing to take them along the journey the way I imagined as ideal.
I am no longer willing to stand around waiting for lesser men to move beyond.
Because clearly they do not understand the mission.
And for that, I blame myself. But I will never forgive them, nor trust them again.
This is a simple truth.
Then, in this case. What I need to do, if I were to be honest to myself, is to embark on this journey alone. Without the fucking deadweight I need to carry.
I need to embark on my mission, honestly, truly and with integrity to myself.
I will do whatever is necessary to achieve my goals. I’ve already paid a high price, and I am not willing to date or get together with a girl who does not understand my mission.
To this regard, in this regard – I will do whatever is necessary to make things work.
By first mastering myself.
Self-Mastery – the next Chapter.
Problem-based solutions
1. AI
2. Superior Interface/s
And the frameworks around those.
Drop the others, hunker down.
Being unreasonable begins with me, and starts with me asking and answering – what do I believe in? and what am I willing to do?
The rest can, and should fall by the wayside.
I need to master technology on my end – jump in, and fall. I then need to master myself. Focus. Drive.
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