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A fancy term involving Gods and Machines.

Well, I’d first like to say that we are all at once machines. Most often times when we think we’re the ones who create and choose our values, if we were truly honest with ourselves, would realize that we actually don’t.

Who we are and what we’ve become is in many effects more a matter of chance, circumstance and divine mandate than anything else.

I am not making a case for religion here; I’m just saying that oftentimes we have less control over who we are than we think.

I am also not saying that we don’t have control.

We do. We have control – in a limited sense.

Each of us, as people are like onions, with layer upon layer of encoding. The self we show to others, the self that our acquaintances know, the self that we keep in secret.

And the self that we don’t know, under the hood.

tl;dr – we have many beliefs that form who we are, some epigenetic (inherited), some from our society and culture, and some from our own exposure and choice.

To view ourselves as static curves; well, that’s just not true – as much as we think we don’t change, we are constantly being encoded by our traumas and victories in this life we lead.

Life can be full of suffering, in fact I’d say it is full of suffering.

But I want to make a case for humbleness.

You see, I can only speak from my own story – the luck that allowed me to stumble upon my passion in life, as well as the people whom I’ve met along the way in this journey.

It’s nothing more than a beautiful coincidence.

My personality set, my beliefs, my lessons.

And I am just very thankful along the way for everything, from everyone.

I am a lucky person. Truly luckier than I know.

And all of us too, need to realize that.

Arrogance is truly a child’s emotion. To think we are “self-made” is the greatest fallacy I’ve come across.

Who I am, what my tendencies are – well.

I only know to be thankful for them, for the mentors I’ve met, for the lessons I’ve learnt, for the position I’m in, right now.

And I truly hope to pay it forward one day.


Thank you, collective humanity, thank you for having the conscience to see potential and not to judge people by a standard ruleset. Thank you for offering me opportunities, doors to possibility that frankly cannot be predetermined.

Thank you for bringing in lessons and consciousness into my life. From my friends, parents, family, mentors, team.

Vision. Thank you for blessing me with the ability to see potential, and the will to want to try.

To say I am successful in that end by my own merit is pretty much bullshit. I’ve tried for 10 years, many times unsuccessfully, to create what I want.

I’ve been stubborn, difficult, prideful, arrogant. And every time I am humbled yet again.

Even the things I claim for my own, my virtues, they are not earned, a lot of it is given, mandated.

And the same for my vices. The bad things in me that need clearing and control.

I only know I belong to a whole larger than myself. Larger in the sense, where it’s a universe larger than me. Collective humanity has so much to offer, life has so much to offer.

And I cannot help but feel that the highest thing I can ever do, is give back. Bring things back to the source by being the best that I can be. The best that I’ve been reSourced with.

For me, that’s entrepreneurship, technology and innovation. For others it’s very different.

I just know I am happy I met Soon, who taught me what it was to be myself.

My father, who taught me how to look, and also see.

My mother, who taught me how to love, who nurtured and brought out the best in me.

My mentors, who saw the light in me when I couldn’t even understand.

and my fellow friends, peers, and team – who dare to trust their Source, whose light recognized that which is also in me –

and who dare to step into their own greatness.

Our world is a world that’s painful, full of suffering.

And to whom much is given, much is expected. After all, that’s the full function of regret – to compel us to live to the best of our abilities – the best that we know we can offer this world.

We, are all essentially the same thing. Just different circumstances, and different gifts.

But fundamentally we all love, we all live, we all hurt. We are all one under the sun.

I can only hope to do the best I can with what i have to compel this truth further into the world.

I love you, and I love everybody.

I am very very thankful for the faith our clients put in us, the mission that they embark on for themselves, and the people who slowly, but surely recognize we are building a beacon from our hearts, that could perhaps – shine a little light in this world.

For our own truly unlimited potential, in this short roller coaster ride we call life.

Invictus is a poem much oft quoted when people are compelled to rigour and action.

Today, I quote it from a place of eternal truth. I quote it as a reflection of that which is truly in all of us.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be,
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance,
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance,
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears,
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years,
Finds and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charges with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

For in the depth of night,
When the abyss is all we can see,
If we turn our gaze inside,
We realize how bright the blaze can be.

Our hearts, our hopes, our aims are one,
No discord e’er will sever,
The regions round, echo the sound,
of freedom hearts, forever.

C’est la vie, c’est la vie